Sunday, May 9, 2010



1. Name of the Post: Assistant Manager( Forestry)

Organization: SS Match Industries , karakonam, Kerla
Period: Aug 1998- Dec, 1998

Responsibilities: Identification and selection of wood materials for the use in the match factory and monitoring of wood utilization in the industry


2. Name of the Post: Junior Research Fellow

Organization: National Agricultural Technology Project, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Kerala Agricultural University, College of Agriculture, Vellayani

Period: Aug 1998- Dec, 1998

Responsibilities: field level management and trial of the project, liaisoning with the progressive farmers involved in the trial of the project, collaboration with the other scientists involved in the project, development of sustainable models for bio-control of the pests etc.,

3. Name of the Post: Field Officer( Forestry)

Organization: Attapady Hills Area Development Society, Govt. of Kerala, mandated to implement the Japan Bank for International Cooperation aided project on Hill Area Development with international involvement.

Period: Aug 1999- Aug, 2000

Responsibilities: Providing counterpart service on behalf of the AHADS, Govt. of Kerala, to the Sr. Forestry Expert, Agriculture Expert, Ecology Expert and the Institutional Expert of the Nippon Koei Company, Ltd, the international Consultant involved in the project. I was to lead the multicultural (international consultants) and multidisciplinary (Forestry, Agriculture, Soil Conservation, Institution Development, Women and Child Development) team along with the indigenous people to evolve institutional models to develop eco-friendly land use. Development of participatory micro plans for the integrated development of the degraded hill landscapes. Monitoring and evaluation of the forestry plantations created by the local communities.

4. Name of the Post: Deputy Conservator of Forests and Divisional Forest Officer and Wild Life Warden

Organization: Andaman and Nicobar Administration, Govt. of India

Period: Sep 2002- March, 2006

Responsibilities: To head a divisional level Forest Administration unit at senior level in the Indian Government to supervise implementation of the various forest and wild life laws and rules in the administrative jurisdiction. To provide managerial direction to the implementation of various sustainable management prescriptions in the tropical forests. Sustainable extraction , exploration and documentation of the various products and services, forestry extension, development of in situ solutions to the local problems related to the sector, implementation of various resource augmentation schemes of the government , preparation of annual plan for resource augmentation , organization of workshops, seminars, and other knowledge dissemination events, human resource management and development, application of Information Technology in office administration and resource management, management of live stock and machinery

5. Name of the Post: Director, State Forest Training School

Organization: Andaman and Nicobar Islands Forest Training School.

Period: March 2005-Nov, 2006 (additional charge held)

Responsibilities: to head at senior level, a state level forestry training institute for the induction and in service training of the field level executive staff and officers recruited to the State Forest Department. Besides, it was also mandated to conduct various vertical and horizontal integration courses for the in-service staff of the Forest Department. The position was also entrusted with the formulation and implementation of the various human resource development projects of the government.

6. Name of the Post: Dy. Conservator of Forests( Headquarters);
Organization: Department of Forests and Wild Life, Govt. National Capital Territory of Delhi, Govt. of India

Period: March 2006- March 2007

Responsibilities: To carry out the administration of the headquarter office at senior level of an Indian State Forest Department. This includes, the human resource management, disciplinary control, vigilance control and supervision, inter departmental coordination, public relations, information services, complaint redressal services, formulation of state level developmental projects, monitoring and evaluation of the resource development programmes, inventory management, budgeting and finance management and control, application of IT in good governance, preparation of annual plans for resource augmentation, organization of workshops, seminars, and other knowledge dissemination events,

7. Name of the Post: Dy. Conservator of Forests( West) and Tree Officer, GNCTD ( Equivalent to Deputy Secretary to Government of India )

Organization: West Forest Division, Department of Forests and Wild Life, Govt. National Capital Territory of Delhi, Govt. of India

Period: April 2007- Aug 2009

Responsibilities: To carry out the administration of the Forest Division at senior level of an Indian State Forest Department. This includes, creation of new city forests, improvement of services from the existing city forest, ensuring community/citizen participation in creation of City Forests, involvement of NGOs in Greening Activity, preparation of Projects under clean development mechanism, densification of the Ridge Forest Delhi, production of quality saplings for distribution to the public, project formulation, implementation, monitoring, documentation, public relations, information services, complaint redressal services, inventory management, budgeting and finance management and control, enforcement of various forest and wild life laws and rules etc
8. Name of the Post: Dy. Conservator of Forests( Protection and Monitoring), NCT of Delhi ( Equivalent to Deputy Secretary to Government of India )

Organization: West Forest Division, Department of Forests and Wild Life, Govt. National Capital Territory of Delhi, Govt. of India

Period: Aug 2009-

Responsibilities: To carry out the administration of the Forest Monitoring System at senior level of an Indian State Forest Department. This included the development and operationalization of projects under the Clean Development Mechanism, Development of management protocols with the Geographic Information Systems.
9. Name of the Post: Dy. Conservator of Forests( Headquarters), NCT of Delhi ( Equivalent to Deputy Secretary to Government of India ) as full additional charge

Organization: Department of Forests and Wild Life, Govt. National Capital Territory of Delhi, Govt. of India

Period: October 14, 2009-

Responsibilities: To carry out the administration of the headquarter office at senior level of an Indian State Forest Department. This includes, the human resource management, disciplinary control, vigilance control and supervision, inter departmental coordination, public relations, information services, complaint redressal services, formulation of state level developmental projects, monitoring and evaluation of the resource development programmes, inventory management, budgeting and finance management and control, application of IT in good governance, preparation of annual plans for resource augmentation, organization of workshops, seminars, and other knowledge dissemination events,

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